Note: This post is an unsolicited opinion piece, I did not receive anything to do this post, just a product that I like and want to spread the word on. I love helping local businesses in any way I can.
I've mentioned it before on here that I have Celiac Disease, and therefore need to adhere to a strict Gluten Free diet. In the beginning it was a bit challenging, but then I realized that the things I couldn't eat, I really shouldn't anyhow. The biggest difference was that I had to cut down on processed foods, which is a good thing.
I mostly stuck to eating just whole foods like fresh fruits, vegetables and meats. I found a pasta brand that I love, so I started eating pasta again. I've been able to find some good mixes, and recipes, for desserts but bread always seemed to disappoint.
I've spent so much money trying different breads, I don't want to even think of how many scrapbooking supplies I could've bought instead. I wasn't big on bread before the diagnoses so I pretty much finally accepted that I just wouldn't eat bread anymore. Again, not necessarily a bad thing.
Enter the cravings for toast. Toast was the way I consumed most of my bread, sometimes having sandwiches untoasted. Smelling toast that others were making would drive me crazy.
My Dad had come home one day with a package of bagels, and they were delicious! He picked them up from Longo's and they were from Aidan's Bakery. Another time he bought me a baguette that was from the same company. Again, so good. He would drop by every so often to see what they had from Aidan's Bakery. It's a local bakery and they only ever had a couple of things each time.
Last week he picked up a loaf of their bread. Knowing my hardship with breads, he thought that since I really enjoyed their other products, I would probably like the bread. Boy was he right! I can't even describe my joy when I was able to have toast, and have it taste and feel like regular bread!
So far I've only had it as toast with margarine and as a grilled cheese sandwich. Again, pure joy as I had my first grilled cheese in years. I'm almost tearing up thinking about it. I also attempted to use two slices as a hamburger bun (they also make buns but I didn't have any) but that didn't work out. More because of the size difference and because of the burger toppings, not so much because of the bread taste.
Aidan's Bakery is an Ontario bakery, and came about because a little boy (Aidan) needed to go on a Gluten Free diet and his parents realized the difficulties this caused. Their products can be found in Longo's locations, as well as some other places, in Ontario. I found out that they make deliveries to my local store on Mondays and Thursdays. Now, I can make sure I'm there to get the freshest and best choices. The products go quickly so I can't always ensure that I'll get a loaf of bread.
So, if you live in Ontario, or plan to visit, and are looking for some good Gluten Free bread products I highly suggest checking out Aidan's Bakery. I'm probably going to gain weight now that I'm eating bread products again, lol, but I'm ok with that. Moderation is key, but so is happiness and I'm happy with my bread now!